CCIE Wirless Written
The written exam is a two-hour, multiple choice exam with 90-110 questions. The written exam is a two-hour, multiple choice test with 90-110 questions that will validate that professionals have the expertise to plan, design, implement, operate and troubleshoot Enterprise WLAN networks. The exam is closed book and no outside reference materials are allowed.
- Planning & Designing 802.11 Wireless Technologies
- Configure and Troubleshoot L2/L3 network infrastructure to support WLANs
- Configure and Troubleshoot Infrastructure Application Services
- Configure and Troubleshoot Autonomous deployment model
- Configure and Troubleshoot Unified deployment model
- Configure and Troubleshoot WCS
- Configure and Troubleshoot WLAN Services
CCIE Wireless Lab
Lab Environment
Access to the The online Cisco documentation pages is provided in the lab room, but the exam assumes knowledge of the more common protocols and technologies. As of Sept 24 2008 CCIE labs do no longer support using the UniversCD documentation for the lab exam. All labs are migrating to Cisco Documentation only. The Cisco Documentation pages have the same information that currently resides on UniversCD, please refer to the links on the CCIE web pages to view these pages and become familiar with the new format.
Each question on the lab has specific criterion. The labs are graded by proctors who ensure all the criterion are met and points are awarded accordingly. The proctors use automatic tools to gather information from the routers to perform some preliminary evaluations, but the final determination of a correct or incorrect configuration is done by a trained proctor.
You can review your lab exam results online (login required), usually within 48 hours. Results are Pass/Fail and failing score reports indicate major topic areas where additional study and preparation may be useful.
- Configure and Troubleshoot L2/L3 network infrastructure to support WLANs
- Configure and Troublehoot Infrastructure Application Services
- Configure and Troubleshoot Autonomous deployment model
- Configure and Troubleshoot Unified deployment model
- Configure and Troubleshoot WCS
- Configure and Troubleshoot WLAN Services